Italian Football team

Reasons to support Italian football team at the World Cup 2014 Marchisio selfieEveryone knows that Italy is a land of sun, sea, good food and football coaches. For half the population, this rule applies all year round, every day of the year especially on sunday and monday. For the other half of the population, including this writer, this rule applies for about a month and a half every other year, during the European Championships and the World Cup.
You have to be a radical snob to not allow yourself to be affected by World Cup fever, which, as everyone knows, is quite different from being a true football fan.
For all those who still haven’t found a reason for following the World Cup, and those who haven’t yet decided which team to support, we’ll give you 15 reasons abosolutely not football related to watch it and to support Italy.

1) They know how to take a good selfie.

6) Especially Balotelli.

10) And it is a truth universally acknowledged Italy is the best dressed team in this World Cup.

11) I mean: have you seen

13) Even pets wear the flag with pride. Note: there is an entire section of the National Team’s official website dedicated to them).

14) They know how to rock a beard.

2) I mean,  they seriously know how to take a GOOD selfie. 3) And how to photobomb one too. 4) They’re loving fathers. 5) They’re not afraid to show their feelings.

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